A common transportation planning adage is that every trip is a pedestrian trip, including trips by car, which begin and end on foot. As a result, pedestrian planning and the consideration of pedestrian needs are integral elements of nearly all of DVRPC’s planning activities. DVRPC’s role is to encourage context-sensitive pedestrian accommodations throughout the region as part of a complete streets policy framework. Complete streets are those that accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, transit, and cars, and allow us to maximize regional transportation choices and mobility. DVRPC supports local pedestrian planning efforts through data collection, specific planning projects, and the identification of emerging best practices that may be appropriate for our region.
Planning Tools
DVRPC Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts
DVRPC Permanent Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts
To support effective bicycle planning, DVRPC develops planning tools to understand more about what is happening in the region and how to plan for the future. To support effective pedestrian planning, DVRPC develops planning tools to understand more about what is happening in the region and how to plan for the future. The tools on this page display DVRPC’s ongoing program to collect pedestrian and bicycle counts on roadways and trails throughout the region using infrared equipment. Thanks to generous support from the William Penn Foundation, DVRPC has established a permanent counting program at locations along Circuit Trails around the region.
Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal
The Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal (walk.dvrpc.org) is a centralized hub where you can learn about DVRPC’s multilayered approach to improving pedestrian infrastructure in the region. Access maps to interact with and edit DVRPC's regional pedestrian network GIS dataset by using the "Explore" and "Edit" tools. Registered planners can create and share pedestrian improvement plans using the "Plan" tool. Here you'll also find information on resources and opportunities to help communities build more sidewalks.
AccessScore is an analysis that assesses the infrastructure and demographic characteristics around transit stations that relate to how supportive of bicycling and walking the area is and how much bicycle and pedestrian activity could be occurring there. The analysis includes Regional Rail, light rail, trolley, and subway stations throughout the Philadelphia region with service provided by SEPTA, NJ TRANSIT, and PATCO.
Recent Publications
DVRPC routinely conducts a number of pedestrian access and planning specific studies. Listed here are the most recent publications. These products are available through our Resource Center at 215-592-1800 or via email at public_affairs@dvrpc.org.
Curbless Streets: Evaluating Curbless and Shared Space Concepts for use on City and Philadelphia Streets
This report summarizes the traits common to curbless streets in peer cities within the United States, the benefits of their use and special considerations, and offers suggestions on selecting potential sites and design tools for use within candidate streets.
Washington Avenue and Columbus Boulevard Conceptual Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan
This plan includes a comprehensive analysis of existing conditions along Washington Avenue between Front Street and Columbus Boulevard in Philadelphia and offers two conceptual designs that identify opportunities to improve bicycle and pedestrian movement in the area, along with estimated construction costs.
Exton Station Concept Plan
This study evaluates existing and ongoing plans and projects at and in the vicinity of Exton Station in West Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania, and uses local stakeholder input to develop phased improvements that can be made as funding becomes available.
Newton Lake Trail Feasibility Study
The study includes a comprehensive analysis and conceptual design for a trail extension in the southwest portion of Newton Lake Park that would link existing multi-use paths to create a loop for bicycle and pedestrian use.
DVRPC provides technical assistance or guidance to local governments on a wide range of topics. Below is a list of those programs.
Expo: Experimental Pop-ups
DVRPC’s new Expo: Experimental Pop-ups program offers assistance to communities to test innovative solutions to transportation problems through demonstration, or pop-up projects. Program staff assists communities to design, implement, and measure projects that apply various pedestrian, bicycle, transit, and roadway strategies that address safety and placemaking.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Programs
To support effective pedestrian planning, DVRPC has an ongoing program to collect pedestrian counts on roadways and trails throughout the region using infrared equipment.
Regional Safety Task Force (RSTF)
The Regional Safety Task Force brings together a multi-disciplinary group of professionals to identify safety goals, strategies and resources. The focus of the Task Force is diverse, multidisciplinary (engineering, education, enforcement, emergency services, legislation and funding) and multimodal (automobile, truck, transit, bicycle, foot and train). The Task Force plays a significant role in the development of the Regional Safety Action Plan.
Safe Routes to Transit (SRTT)
This technical assistance program matches eligible municipalities and counties with DVRPC staff to navigate the often-complex process of designing and funding pedestrian and bicycle improvements around rail stations.
NJDOT New Jersey Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Toolbox 2014
New Jersey guidance about Complete Streets and safety.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Friendly Policies, Practices, and Ordinances
This report provides information about recommended practices and ordinances that enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety and accommodations. Encouragement and safety campaigns are also highlighted.
Transportation Alternatives
Transportation Alternatives (TA) is Federal highway and transit funds set-aside under the Surface Transportation Program (STP) for community-based "non-traditional" projects designed to strengthen the cultural, aesthetic, and environmental aspects of the nation's intermodal transportation system. This funding category has historically funded many pedestrian- and bicycle-supportive projects such as streetscape improvements, and is affirmed under the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21).