
Over the next 30 years, the elderly are forecast to be the fastest growing segment of the population and most of this growth is expected to occur in the suburbs, as suburban "baby boomers" age in place. Unfortunately, many of these areas are not well-served by public transit and may not offer the services needed by an elderly population. In 2007, DVRPC completed an assessment of housing for the region's seniors entitled The Aging of the Baby Boomers: Housing Seniors in the Delaware Valley. The report focuses on enhancing and expanding affordable housing opportunities for the region's elderly and near-elderly residents, in locations close to public transit and services. A companion brochure describing actions that municipalities can undertake to support aging in place is also available, as well as an analytical data bulletin that provides demographic information on the region's senior population.

Previous DVRPC housing policy studies focused on the availability of affordable homeownership opportunities in close proximity to existing and emerging employment centers and in areas that are well-served by public transit. Earlier studies also include analyses of the region's rental housing stock, its supply of public and assisted housing, and homelessness. In each case, DVRPC staff assessed background housing data and trends, reviewed existing housing policies and legislation, and presented recommendations for improving and expanding the region's stock of affordable housing. The Commission also releases annual reports on residential building permit activity; is a repository for information collected under the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA); and releases periodic reports on housing costs, occupancy, and tenure utilizing available data from secondary sources such as the decennial Census and the American Community Survey.

    Visit the archived Land Use and Housing Committee (LUHC) webpage, where you can find past agendas and scheduled meeting dates. The LUHC became the Regional Community and Economic Development Forum (RCEDF) in 2009.