#TrackingTuesday: Bridge Conditions

by Ian Schwarzenberg, Planner

May 21, 2024

Newly released Bridge Conditions data from the Federal Highway Administration shows that the region has continued to improve bridge conditions. Explore more Bridge Conditions data in today's #TrackingTuesday.

Connections 2050 sets a goal to preserve the region’s transportation infrastructure, such as its pavement and bridges, in order to maintain a safe and resilient transportation network. Improving the conditions of the region’s bridges furthers this goal by fixing weaknesses and strengthening the bridges against future wear and tear from vehicle use, severe weather, and other factors.

In 2023, 6% of all bridge deck area in the region was in deficient condition, down roughly two-thirds from a peak of nearly 18% in 2003. To see more bridge conditions data at various regional geographies, go to the “How are we doing?” tab in the Bridge Conditions Indicator on the Tracking Progress dashboard. 

The indicator also provides data and trends related to changes in percentage of total bridges in deficient condition. Change in total and deck area of deficient condition can also be seen by bridge owner or by county and state subregion. A large majority of bridges in the region are in fair condition. Maintaining the bridges in fair or better condition will be the focus of investment in a lowest life-cycle cost (LLCC) approach to asset management. LLCC applies a cyclical approach to asset maintenance by identifying the right project at the right time and using the full life of each bridge. Keeping bridges in a fair or good condition will lead to a safer and more resilient transportation network for the region, in alignment with the Connections 2050 goals.

Want to download the data for your own use? Under each chart, find a link to the data in DVRPC’s Data Catalog. You can also explore other indicators in Tracking Progress, DVRPC’s interactive dashboard for exploring Greater Philadelphia’s progress toward the Connections 2050 regional Vision.

Transportation, Long-Range Plan

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District