Regional Technical Committee

10:00 AM, January 6, 1998

A light lunch will be available

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

10:00 a.m. RTC Meeting Begins

12:00 p.m. Working Lunch

1:30 p.m. New Jersey Subcommittee: TIP Development Process

WINTER WEATHER ALERT: If snow or icing occurs on this day, call DVRPC at (215) 592-1800 to confirm if the meeting will be held.

1. Report of November 17, 1997 RTC Meeting

2. Report on Board Activities


3. 1998 - 2002 Transportation Improvement Program Amendments

During the course of the year, it becomes necessary to amend or modify the existing Transportation Improvement Program. Trenton and Pottstown Urban Transit have requested amendments as follows:

Amendment 9804 -Trenton Traffic Signal
Amendment 9735 - Pottstown Urban Transit Land Acquisition

4. DRAFT 1999 DVRPC Planning Work Program

The draft 1999 Work Program was distributed to the Board at its December 8, 1997 meeting. The Board authorized staff to distribute the document to all committees for their review and comment. It consists of three main sections: the DVRPC Work Program, the Supportive Regional Highway Program, and Transit Support Program (TSP).

5. DVRPC Regional Indicators: Measuring Our Progress to 2020

In order to assess the region's progress in attaining the Year 2020 Plan goals, a set of 27 draft regional indicators have been prepared that reflect the eight policy issues of the Plan. By measuring changing conditions over time, the indicators will provide a picture of regional trends and allow an examination of the effectiveness of regional policies and programs. An overview of the draft indicators and changes made from the previous draft will be provided. A draft Technical Document was mailed separately.


6. Pennsylvania Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program

An update on the pending actions and schedules of the state-wide Transportation Enhancement advisory committee will be provided. This program is expected to continue in a Transportation Authorization Bill following ISTEA.

7. EPA Disapproval of New Jersey State Implementation Plan (SIP) Revision

On December 12, 1997, EPA Region 2 disapproved the 15% SIP revision for New Jersey due to the state's failure to implement an enhanced Inspection & Maintenance program on a timely basis. This action will start a two year countdown at the end of which federal highway sanctions will be imposed.


Planning Beyond the Pipeline - New JerseyRe-engineering the PennDOT Programming ProcessMillstone CorridorPennDOT 1998 Section 16 Program (Capital assistance for the transportation of elderly and disabled persons).

8. Old Business

9. New Business


(1) RTC Subcommittee Announcement
(2) Highlights of November 17, 1997 Meeting
(3) TIP Amendment 9804
(4) TIP Amendment 9735
(5) Work Program Memo from Mike Gatti
(6) EPA Disapproval of NJ SIP Memo
(7) Section 16 Program Memo
(8) Calendar of Events for January 1998

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District