Regional Technical Committee

10:00 AM, January 5, 1999

A light lunch will be available

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

1.    Report of November 17, 1998 RTC Meeting

2.    Report on Board Activities


3.    DRAFT 1999 DVRPC Planning Work Program

In December the Board received the draft Work Program from its committee which had met three times during the fall.  The Board authorized staff to distribute the document to all committees for their review and comment.  It consists of three main sections: the DVRPC Work Program, the Supportive Regional Highway Program, and Transit Support Program (TSP), previously     mailed to committee members.

4.    FY 1999-2002 Transportation Improvement Program - Pennsylvania

The draft TIP for the Pennsylvania portion of the region was made available for public and agency review.  Staff will provide a summary of the public meetings and a list of suggested changes.  Recommendations for Board action is scheduled.

5.    Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality Competitive Project Development Process -     Pennsylvania

In December the Board Policy met to discuss several important matters, one of which concerned the procedures staff and committees should follow in the development of CMAQ candidates for programming.  The RTC Pennsylvania Sub-Committee is refining these recommendations and should report to the full RTC for Board action.

6.    Amendment of Year 2020 Transportation Plan

Seven regionally significant projects in Pennsylvania are proposed to be included in the Plan.  Description of the projects and an analysis of consistency between the projects and the policies of the Plan are included in this mailing.  A positive recommendation to the Board is anticipated.

7.    NJDOT Study & Development Plan

NJDOT will present its Study & Development Program for FY99 for approval by the RTC and recommendation to the Board.  The S&D Program includes the     projects actively underway in both the Bureau of Statewide Planning and the     Bureau of Project Scope Development at NJDOT, as well as Local Lead projects being advanced by member governments.

8.    Information Items

  • Transportation Enhancements Process in Pennsylvania: Review of schedule and staff progress.
  • Job Access and Reverse Commute Competitive Grant Program: Summary of requests forwarded to FTA by December 30, 1998 deadline.

9.    Discussion Items

  • Pennsylvania CMAQ Program Development Process
  • Route 202 (300) Status report
  • TCSP Grant Applications

10.    Old Business

11.    New Business


Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District