Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m. Committee Meeting , May 6, 2008

12:00 Noon Lunch

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

10:00 a.m. Planning Coordinating Committee & Regional Transportation Committee Meeting
12:00 Noon Lunch

1. Call to Order - Chairman's Comments

2. Deputy Executive Director's Report

3. Report on Regional Citizens Committee Activities


4. Highlights of the Meeting of April 1, 2008

5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Actions

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. As situations arise, the PCC/RTC is asked to consider changes.

a. PA07-92: Penn's Landing Ferry System (MPMS #TBD), DRPA - Proposed New DEMO project

b. PA07-93: Philadelphia Zoo Intermodal Transportation Improvements (MPMS #74823), Philadelphia - Proposed New DEMO Project

c. PA07-94: PA 309/PA 63 Connector Project - Phase I (MPMS #16438), Montgomery County - Cost Increase

d. PA07-95: US 202: Exton Bypass to US 202 Section 400 Project (MPMS #83612), Chester County - Proposed New project

e. PA07-96a: I-95 Bridge Rehabilitation Analysis (MPMS #83803), Philadelphia - Proposed New Project

f. PA07-96b: I-95 Bridge Repair (MPMS #82619), Philadelphia - Proposed New Project

g. PA07-97: Lancaster Avenue Signals (MPMS #57898), Philadelphia - Add Back In

6. Fiscal Year 2009 Planning Work Program Amendment

To respond to the needs of member governments and agencies, work program changes and additions are brought to the PCC/RTC to permit the timely undertaking of technical activity.

a. Lafayette Street Extension Traffic Study

7. Letter of Support for Delaware and Lehigh Drive Pennsylvania Byway Designation

On August 21, 2007, a Letter of Interest for Pennsylvania Byway designation was submitted for the Delaware and Lehigh Drive Byway (D&L). Traveling south to north, the proposed D&L byway route starts in Bristol Borough and follows roughly along the Delaware River to the City of Easton for a length of nearly 63 miles. The Sponsor of the D&L, The Heritage Conservancy, is requesting a Letter of Support from DVRPC.


8. Creating a Transit Vision for the Philadelphia Region

The University of Pennsylvania Planning Studio, led by James Kise will present the results of their 2050 Transit Vision for the Philadelphia Region. This studio, funded in part with a grant from the William Penn Foundation, has developed an overview of transit in years 1950, 2000 and 2050 for the greater Delaware Valley with DVRPC as the principle client. Oriented to the policy professional, this material will be an input into DVRPC's Regional Transit Vision report, which also integrates the results of FTA funded Dots & Dashes outreach project to generate a comprehensive view how transit can benefit and shape the region in the long term.


9. Camden Metro Region Trails Vision Poster

The Camden Metro Region Trails Vision poster advocates for an interconnected network of multi-purpose trails through South Jersey stretching from the City of Camden to the Pinelands. Developing such a network will provide the area's urban and suburban residents abundant opportunities for healthful recreation, nonmotorized transportation and economic and community revitalization. Created in concert with the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy and other local stakeholders, the Vision poster is meant to quicken the pace of trail development by showing local leaders public agencies, non-profit groups and the citizens of the South Jersey the region's significant untapped trail potential.

10. Airport Zoning Seminar

On Monday, May 12, 2008, DVRPC will host the Airport Zoning Seminar. About 50 townships who have not adopted the necessary airport height restriction zoning have been invited, as well as county planners, and fourteen airports. The seminar focuses on the Pennsylvania side of the region, since the lack of conformance does not occur in New Jersey.

11. One Minute Reports

PCC/RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

12. Old Business and New Business

13. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the PCC/RTC is June 10, 2008

1. Highlights of the April 1, 2008 RTC Meeting
2. Highlights of the March 27, 2008 Board Meeting
3. Highlights of the April 15, 2008 Regional Citizen's Committee
4. TIP Actions, May 2008
5. FY09 Work Program Amendments
6. Letter of Support for Delaware and Lehigh Drive Pennsylvania Byway Designation

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District