Regional Technical Committee

10:00 a.m. Committee Meeting , September 6, 2005

12:00 Noon Lunch

Commission Office
The ACP Building - 8th Floor
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA

For directions Call (215) 592-1800
Please Use Sixth Street Entrance

1. Call to Order - Chairman''s Comments

2. Transportation Director''s Report

3. Report on Regional Citizens Committee Activities


4. Highlights of the Meeting of July 12, 2005

5. DVRPC Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The dynamic nature of funding transportation improvements and the need to remain within financial constraint require amendments or modifications to the TIP. As situations arise, the PCC/RTC is asked to consider changes.

a. TIP Action PA05-40: Bus Stop Enhancement Project (New Proposed Project, MPMS #71644), Philadelphia

b. TIP Action PA05-41a: US 202 5 Points Intersection (MPMS #63493), Montgomery County

c. TIP Action PA05-41c: Norristown Signal System (MPMS #16701),Montgomery County

d. TIP Action PA05-42 : Transportation Enhancements (TE) (MPMS #64984) Various Counties

NOTE FOR DISCUSSION: 2 Projects selected through the TE Competitive Program require cost increases in order to advance to construction in September. PENNDOT proposes to fund the cost increases by drawing unobligated FY05 funds from the DVRPC TE Line item. Projects requiring cost increases:

MPMS #50517 - Falls Twp Community Connector(Trail), Bucks County-$501,000
MPMS #65904 - Doylestown Broad Street Improvements, Bucks County-$524,000

e. TIP Action PA05-43: FTA Section 5310 Program Capital Assistance
(MPMS #62150), PENNDOT and Various Counties

6. Fiscal Year 2006 Planning Work Program Development Amendments

To respond to the needs of member governments and agencies, work program changes and additions are brought to the PCC/RTC to permit the timely undertaking of technical activity.

a. DVRPC FY2006 Work Program Amendment: NJDOT Airports; Two Master Plan Studies


7. DVRPC FY 2007 Planning Work Program Development

Staff will discuss with the RTC members the development schedule and request for projects for the FY 2007 Work Program.

  • DVRPC Projects
  • Supportive Regional Highway Planning Program (SRHPP) and Transit Support Program (TSP)

8. "Complete Streets" and the State Departments of Transportations (DOTs)

Mr. David Bachman, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager, PENNDOT, and Ms. Sheree Davis, Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Coordinator, NJDOT, will discuss progress in their respective departments toward routine consideration of bicyclist and pedestrian needs in highway project scoping and design.

9. Draft Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Master Plan

Staff will discuss the Draft ITS Master Plan. The Plan represents a long-term vision of ITS in the Delaware Valley. The purpose of the Plan is to present a comprehensive vision of ITS services to be implemented and proposes a list of projects which will bridge the programs of individual agencies and create more cohesive operations.


10. Status Report on FY 2007 TIP Development

11. New Federal Transportation Act: SAFETEA-LU 12. Workshops for Transportation Enhancements, Home Town Streets, and Safe Routes to School Program

13. PA State Transportation Commission (STC) Public Hearing at DVRPC

14. One Minute Reports

PCC/RTC Members and guests will be invited to provide updates on the activities of their agencies.

15. Old Business and New Business

16. Meeting Adjournment

The next scheduled meeting of the PCC/RTC is October 11, 2005.

1. Highlights of the July 12, 2005 RTC Meeting
2. Highlights of the July 28, 2005 Board Meeting
3. Report on Citizens Committee Activity
4. TIP Actions, September 2005
5. Aviation Work Programs Amendment
6. Schedule for Development of FY 2007 Planning Work Program
7. FY 2007 TSP and SRHPP Memorandum
8. SAFETEA-LU Overview
9. TCDI 2005 Program Guide

Air Quality Partnership
Annual Report
Connections 2050
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
Economic Development District