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T143 | ADA--Platforms/Stations (Various)

Funding is provided for the design and construction of necessary repairs to make NJ TRANSIT's rail stations, and subway stations more accessible for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) including related track and infrastructure work. Funding is requested for repairs, upgrades, equipment purchase, platform extensions, and transit enhancements throughout the system and other accessibility repairs/improvements at stations.

Limits: ADA--Platforms/Stations
Air Quality Code: M8

FY2024 TIP for NJ Program Years (in Millions)

Program Year Totals:$0.115$0.115$0.115$0.115
Total FY24-FY27 Cost:$0.460Total FY24-FY33 Cost:$1.150 
All costs in millions.

No milestones are available for this project.