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11326A | Route 76, Bridges over Route 130 (Gloucester City, Camden County)

Initiated by the Bridge Management System, this project will replace the bridge deck on the Route 76 over Route 130 Northbound bridge and replace the superstructures of the Ramp to Route 76 Northbound over Route 130 Southbound and the Route 76 over 130 Southbound bridge.

Limits: Bridges over Route 130
Air Quality Code: S19

FY2024 TIP for NJ Program Years (in Millions)

Program Year Totals:$0$0$85.000$0
Total FY24-FY27 Cost:$85.000Total FY24-FY33 Cost:$85.000 
All costs in millions.


PhaseMilestoneEstimated Date
Concept Development Initiated2014-03-172014-03-17
Develop Alternatives2014-06-022014-08-26
Purpose & Need Statement Completed2014-07-182014-07-18
Hold Public Information Center2015-07-062015-11-16
Concept Development Complete2016-01-222016-01-22
Authorize FD2019-08-012019-08-01
Environmental Document Complete2019-08-012019-08-01
Authorize Utility Work2022-10-212022-12-20
PS&E Certified2026-03-092026-03-09
Receive Authorization to Advertise2026-03-172026-03-23
Contract Awarded2026-05-282026-05-28
Substantial Completion2027-03-302027-03-30