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08415 | Airport Improvement Program (Various)

This program provides funding for grants awarded by the Commissioner of the NJDOT pursuant to a competitive application process for project types, including but not limited to, safety, preservation, rehabilitation, and capital improvements (such as runway, taxiway and apron improvements, airport lighting and navigational aids, aviation fuel farms, automated weather observation systems, airport security, and airport access roads). Such grants may be used at public-use general aviation airports for; aviation planning purposes, aviation studies, airport feasibility studies, and/or to provide funds which will help match and capture federal funds. This program may also fund capital improvements to airports owned by the state. 

Limits: Airport Improvement Program
Air Quality Code: NRS

FY2024 TIP for NJ Program Years (in Millions)

Program Year Totals:$4.000$4.000$4.000$4.000
Total FY24-FY27 Cost:$16.000Total FY24-FY33 Cost:$40.000 
All costs in millions.

No milestones are available for this project.