The Automobile at Rest: Toward Better Parking Policies in the Delaware Valley

The Automobile at Rest: Toward Better Parking Policies in the Delaware Valley

Product No.: 08081A
Date Published: 01/2008

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The Automobile at Rest: Toward Better Parking Policies in the Delaware Valley presents an overview of parking policies and requirements in the Delaware Valley region, along with strategies for managing and designing parking better. Each of the region's 353 municipalities set their own parking requirements within their municipal zoning ordinance, usually based on national standards from the Institute of Transportation Engineers and/or the Urban Land Institute. These requirements are detailed in a separately published Appendix titled Municipal Parking Standards Inventory. These standards often assume that all trips will be made by car and that destinations will be isolated and single use in character. The standards fail to recognize the different types of parking provisions that may be desirable or cost appropriate for different contexts, such as downtowns, suburban shopping districts, or rural areas. Municipal parking ordinances therefore often result in too much parking or requirements that are not flexible for mixed-use settings. These requirements have a strong influence on the built and natural environment and how the community grows or redevelops. The report also examines ways to reduce parking demand and improve parking supply where appropriate or necessary through parking management strategies, such as pricing, car-sharing, and shared parking, among others. Different types of parking are examined, from surface parking to underground parking to bicycle parking, along with innovative design treatments. The report also examines the environmental impacts of parking with a focus on the critical issue of stormwater. Lastly, the relationship between parking and transit is considered, particularly park-and-rides and transitoriented development. This report provides planners, local leadership, and citizens with information about best practices for designing, managing, and regulating parking.

Geographic Area Covered: DVRPC 9-county region

Key Words: parking supply, parking demand, parking generation, parking standards, parking management, transit parking, transit-oriented development, park-and-ride, kiss-and-ride, parking requirements, SmartCode, model ordinance, minimum parking, maximum parking, spillover, reserve parking, unbundled parking, parking freeze, travel demand management (TDM), employer parking, parking taxes, in-lieu parking fees, free parking, shared parking, parking entitlement, parking permits, overflow parking, parking enforcement, peripheral parking, car-sharing, parking management districts, parking benefit districts, transportation management association (TMA), surface parking, structured parking, on-street parking, hybrid parking, underground parking, bicycle parking, motorcycle and scooter parking, center parking court, tuck-under parking, back-in angle parking, 'park once', access management, landscaping, screening, lighting, liner building, 'Texas doughnut', green roof, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), advanced parking management systems (APMS), pre-trip parking information system, lot-specific parking information system, automated payment system, parking reservation system, automated parking facility, accessibility, sustainability, LEED-NC (New Construction), LEED-ND (Neighborhood Development), air quality, water quality, stormwater, flooding, nonpoint source pollution, detention basin, Best Management Practices (BMP), pervious, impervious, rain garden, filter strips, bioretention, swales, infiltration trenches, porous paving, tax-increment financing.

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