Draft FY2016 TIP for New Jersey

This TIP was developed in cooperation with NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT, DRPA/PATCO and DVRPC's member counties and cities. At 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on August 10, 2015, DVRPC closed the public comment period on the Draft FY2016 TIP for the New Jersey portion of the region.

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DVRPC is no longer accepting public comments on the Draft DVRPC FY2016 TIP for NJ because the comment period has closed. Comments submitted on the Draft DVRPC FY2016 TIP for NJ can be viewed online via the "View or Search Draft TIP Projects or Read Comments Here!" interactive map web app.

The comment period allowed the public an opportunity to review and comment on the program prior to it being presented to the DVRPC Board for adoption. The TIP public comment period was conducted jointly with NJDOT, NJ TRANSIT and DRPA/PATCO and served as an opportunity for the public to review and comment on NJDOT's Draft FY 2016 - 2025 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program, as well as the Draft Amendments to the DVRPC Connections 2040 Long-Range Plan and the Draft Transportation Conformity Finding. After consideration of the public comments, the DVRPC Board may adopt the Draft TIP with any recommended changes at the September 30, 2015 Board meeting.

Draft NJ TIP application View or Search Draft TIP Projects or Read Comments Here!


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  1. Acknowledgment of Board Resolution
  2. Financial and Procedural Guidance, including STIP Introduction
  3. Executive Summary of the Draft Documentation of the Conformity Finding (Executive Summary) (Full)
  4. Memorandum of Understanding on Procedures to Amend and Modify the TIP
  5. DVRPC Local Program
  6. DVRPC TIP Project Benefit Criteria
  7. Acknowledgement of Summary of Public Outreach, Public Comments, and Agency Responses
  8. NJDOT "Tier 2" Unfunded Projects